Present Me

About Present Me



I have done a lot of coding before, most of it HTML and CSS. I love to code and want to get better at it as it is a fun hobby of mine. I know at least 2-3 coding languages: HTML, a little of Java, and CSS. I believe that these skills will help me in the future of my career. Plus I can do cool stuff like this



I love to play games on my computer becuase they are fun. I play many games such as Minecraft, Destiny 2, Borderlands, Astroneer, and Beat Saber. I have logged many hours into each of these games but the most hours that I have in one game is 465 in a game called Scrap Mechanic.



I like to do art mainly in PhotoShop. I have done a lot of art over the years but my favorite piece of art. I did this in my Art class in 8th Grade and i still love it to this day.



I go to a great school called MTCHS. I am a Sophomore and intend in staying longer. I really like this school becuase they have taught me to do stuff like this website.